The adventures of Peter Rabbit and his friends have been delighting generations of children around the world for over 120 years. In this unique book, Beatrix Potter’s iconic illustrations have been brought to life as knitted characters, allowing you to create 12 adorable animals from the best-loved Peter Rabbit stories.
With step-by-step instructions and beautiful photography, you’ll be able to make all the most enduring characters from Beatrix Potter’s world. Knit Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny, the Flopsy Bunnies, Jemima Puddle-Duck, Mrs Tiggy-winkle, Jeremy Fisher, Tom Kitten, Squirrel Nutkin, the Tailor of Gloucester mouse, Samuel Whiskers, Mr. Tod the fox and Tommy Brock the badger, and dress them up in simple sewn garments to complete the storybook look.
Featuring original illustrations and quotes from the tales alongside the patterns, this is a visual treat for fans of Peter Rabbit, allowing you to knit heirloom toys to enjoy for generations to come.
Designs can be knit on straight needles, using a variety of yarns throughout the book.
Size: 216 x 280 mm
160 Pages
ISBN: 9781446309674